Description & Specifications

Feather Duster Softon TP 342

Titiz Tp-342 Softon Dusting Tassel

  • The sales price of the product you have examined is determined by the seller.
  • Product size: 51 x 26 x 40 cm
  • A maximum of 10 orders can be placed for this product. Trendyol reserves the right to cancel orders over 10 units.
  • More than 100 stocks are offered to be sold at the campaign price.
  • A product can be sold by more than one seller. The seller with the highest score determined according to the price advantage, delivery speed, return rates and general service quality, taking into account consumer satisfaction on the product list and detail pages, becomes the visible seller. Other vendors are listed as alternatives on the product detail page.

Titiz Feather Duster Softon TP 342

Sale priceR 61.00

Including VAT

Excluding delivery

SKU: 00072929
In stock

Pickup available at Bubbles Business Park, 11 Cobalt St, Industria

Usually ready in 24 hours

Titiz Feather Duster Softon TP 342

Titiz Feather Duster Softon TP 342

Bubbles Business Park, 11 Cobalt St, Industria

Pickup available, usually ready in 24 hours

11 Cobalt Street
North West
South Africa


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